Sunday, September 4, 2016

Be the expert!

Be the expert, never stop perfecting your craft. It doesn’t matter what it is you do, there is always more knowledge out there to gain, a different perspective to see, and another approach to go by. Focus in on what you are most passionate about, or five things you are most passionate about, and one by one, tackle them all!

Everyone has it in them to absorb more knowledge, and let’s face it, in today’s technologically driven society, access to that knowledge is easier and easier. A mentor of mine, Alvin Phillips, my former Army commander, always would tell me “you don’t know what you don’t know”. He was articulating that a person can perceive to make a change without grasping some knowledge, but knowledge is like space, never ending, so you can’t have enough.

I am a well-seasoned communicator with a lot of experience, but somewhere in the world there are people who know what I already know, and who can teach me a thing or two. The same goes for those people who know more than I do, there are people who can teach them a thing or two. You don’t know what you don’t know. There is always room for growth.

Communication evolves as we do, and reaching towards the stars in an attempt to perfect your craft will only make you better, more relevant, more reliable, and leave you reaching a place somewhere in the sky. The tools are there, and google is our friend. When used properly to search and fact check our findings, we can access a world of helpful literature, websites (this website), lectures, TED talks, forums, and workshops.

Seek out a mentor in your given field, and learn from them. I cannot stress that enough. We learn best from each other, and what else is the meaning of life but to live, love, laugh and learn. If you find something to be worthwhile, then by all means learn from an expert and in turn become the subject matter expert.

Communication just happens to be my bag, but it can be fashion, fitness, design, or music for you, for anyone. The road begins by placing one foot in front of the other, and before you know it you’ll find yourself at the end of the beaten path where fresh grass grows and a sign under a willow tree reads “you have arrived”.

Step one is simple- determine what it is you are passionate about and want to pursue.

Step two is just as simple- research your subject and find a mentor who can help guide you along the way.

Step three- immerse yourself in that world, absorb knowledge related to that passion anywhere you can find it, and be active in looking.

Step four- back your formal knowledge up with practical knowledge. Add experience and perspective by applying your technique in the field or amongst others.

Step five- once you’ve learned all you think you need to know, look for ways to improve on what you know.

Step six- repeat steps 1 through 5.

Only then will you be a subject matter expert, and by result, a reliable source to communicate your knowledge to the next party.

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