Sunday, October 16, 2016

In A Room Full Of Death Ears Part 3- WE

Another one brought to you by Al Graves- The Poet


In a room full of death ears
The eyes knew
The dividing and sorting
From countless ports
Would fuel the self loathing

It's outlined in the business
Proposition of enslavement

Ask Willie lynch

We duel out in the open
Fighting over a prearranged
Quarrel with the sharp shiv
Of the Devils weakness

Attending the workshop that built
The tools of destruction
We reflect the anger
off each other

Black Woman .......
Womb to what God has Given
The vessel in which
All life must travel
Who's mind, emotions, soul than body
Are a puzzle meant to be unraveled
In slow intentionally infinite lessons
That expel the boy who's illiterate
And graduate the man to his purpose

There is no us without her
Plain and simple
No lies no excuse as a crutch
The imprint
of How you choose to bestow
Your touch will influence the children
For generations to come
Treat her as such

Black Men
A Forrest planted in such a way
Only a woman with the stamina
Of mythical labors and the four horse men
Can travel through the dense complex
Stonehenge to the universe

Built broad to protect all that is sacred
A super conductor of melanin
With more raw power
Than an auxiliary full of 100 Romans
And a mind that strikes twice
In our place of origin
Our rage simmers beneath
The Surface of compliance
Don't forget
We are born and bred
to be
The Black woman's first
Line of defense

In a room full of death years
The eyes saw
The dividing and sorting
From countless ports
Will fuel the self loathing

It's outlined in the business proposition
Of enslavement

Ask willie lynch

When we fail to listen
Than forget

They made us drip like pus on those ropes
Laid to waste by the infectious poison of the majority
We shared the same fate
Us,we,two three,four,five ...uncountable
Man woman and child
Because we read
we voted
Said I am a man
Said I am a woman
Said no

George Stinney
underage to the drink
At 90 pounds
For 2 murders
He was too skinny to

Our kindred speaks
to each other like
discharged firearms
Damage the tissue
Than dab the wound
With unaddressed pain

Fracture the household
To breed broken children
A Damaged eye witness
To testify to our sins

Lest we don't hear and soon forget
Our union is not the sin
It is the siphoning of the definition of our culture
That makes us the culprit

My woman there is no life if men
Death to your plight
Your men cannot protect your light
If you are death to what
Stands against the coming

The etiology of our alignment
Is written in our blood
Inked by the
Stars and penned
By the splendor of
The self luminous gaseous sphere
That shines off our aura

The rotation of the other planets around its warmth
Is evidence of our worth

Our skin
Bask in its rays
A smile offered to one another is
The Suns off spring

A harsh word from a black women
Can defeat a man
Well before he's armed
A black mans Careless actions
Reduce their kingdom to ashes
Well before his enemy plots their siege

Both sides besieged
By the continuous belittling
Of outside influences

In a room full of death ears
The eyes knew the dividing and sorting
From countless ports
Would fuel the self loathing

To love is to listen....


Oh Those Heated Social Media Debates: How Effective Communication Can Help

Communication does not precede understanding, and understanding does not come before communication. The two work in unison and lead to growth, in some shape or form. It’s the old chicken or egg conundrum for so many people, and that is exactly why so many people fail to understand each other when communicating.  This has become increasingly apparent on social media sites where a large virtual community come together to discuss an idea, or recent event. Sides are drawn, and time after time, I watch as it figuratively hits the fan. In most cases, I’m a fly on the wall to it all, with my buttered bucket of large popcorn, taking in all the excitement just like the Michael Jackson meme (you know the one, youngish-blackish Michael with the Thriller jacket). In other cases, I concede and jump into the fray. I differ from most however because I go in with my own ideas, but two eyes open, two ears present, and one mind looking for a different perspective, ready to listen as much as I am to inform from my own perspective.

The idea isn’t to go in circles like that one special-bus dog, chasing its own tail for hours upon hours, but to reach some kind of understanding through communication. If you think strategic communication has no part in Facebook post which turn into heated discussions that have a comment thread as long as the line outside of Apple on launch day, you Sir or Madame, are mistaken. You want to get your point across, that’s why you even bother to comment. You want to engage in the discussion and for someone, anyone to hear you. The next move is important, and where the majority fails. They half step when commenting, and Big Daddy Kane taught us, ain’t no half steppin. People tend to be so passionate about their perspective they basically yell their “truth” and leave no room for interpretation or contrasting ideas. People deal in absolutes in these discussions and too few things are absolute in this world.

We as communicators have to weave through the noise and find the common ground of understanding. If I join a discussion on Black Lives Matter as the topic, there may be an individual who has a completely different reality from my own or of many I know, and not be able to relate in the same way I can. That can lead to comments from said individual to be completely opposite to me, a black man who grew up in Brooklyn. Being the effective communicator I am (brushes shoulders) I listen, absorb, ask more questions for greater clarification and then begin to interject my own logic. My answers are not the end all, be all, but they serve a purpose to help said individual understand my perspective, my plight, and I theirs.

Effective communication does not work when you are attacking, or dealing in absolutes, nor when it gets racially offensive (cough cough: like every other comment on YouTube content) rather when you go in with the purpose of understanding, and hopefully, enlightening. So the next time you invest your time in a heated discussion in one of the many virtual social communities, listen, absorb, seek greater clarification and focus on reaching understanding. Once those hills have been climbed, feel free to crush the other person with logic and hard hitting facts.